This crime thriller flick revolves around the two rival gangs of pickpockets who want to eliminate each other and attain the uppermost position in the crime world. In this dirty game of power and politics, greed is a culture and cheating becomes an u...
BHINDI BAAZAAR INC is a Hindi film which released on 17th June 2011.This movie was earlier slated to be released in February this year but due to some reasons its released got delayed.The film is based on the criminal background of Mumbai-Bhindi Bazaar hence named as BHINDI BAAZAAR INC.
Story : Shroff (K.K.Menon) and Fatah (Prashant Narayaran) play the game of chess and each and every game leaves a story behind them. From the infamous, narrow and dirty streets of Bhindi Baazaar, Fatah gets out and with his friend Teja (Gautam) gets involved in pick pocketing. No one can match these fellows in the action of pick pocketing. Mamu (Pawan Malhotra) is the gang leader of all pick pockets of...
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Bigg Boss 17: Devoleena Bhattacharjee Slams Vicky Jain, Says "I Feel Bad For Ankita.."
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Vicky Kaushal Is Unrecognisable In Long Beard; Fans React
Movies | Opening | Total Collection |
Vedaa | 6.75 cr | 6.75 cr |
Khel Khel Mein | 5.23 cr | 25.74 cr |
Stree 2 | 55.40 cr | 526.43 cr |
Bad Newz | 8.62 cr | 58.98 cr |
Sarfira | 2.50 cr | 17.65 cr |
Kill | 1.35 cr | 24.15 cr |
Kalki 2898 AD | 22.50 cr | 277.40 cr |
Ishq Vishk Rebound | 1 cr | 4.50 cr |
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