As soon as Rahul lands up from US in India,he faces some unexpected , shocking events. He finds himself trapped in his own flat with a ghost. He gets completely cut off from the outside world. His only companion in this situation is a ghost who will not let him go out.
A FLAT is a Hindi feature film which is a horror film based on ghost and spirit and is a revenge drama. Just like most of the horror movies, A FLAT too revolves around a haunted home.
This year so many horror movies were released. Except a few, none of them did good business or scare the viewers. The film BHOOT was also a horror film which was shot in the same housing complex. While watching A FLAT you may remember film KUDRAT of Chetan Anand which was a multi starrer. However it would not be fair to compare horror films VASSTU SHASHTRA or BHOOT or KUDRAT with the movie A FLAT because of different stories of each film. However treatments of each film is almost same : to scare you...