‘Sanam Re’ starring Pulkit Samrat and Yami Gautam is performing decently at the BoxOffice front. The film raked in Rs. 2.34 crores on its first Tuesday making its total 5 day collection Rs. 21.95 crores at the domestic front. This romantic saga is performing way better than the star-studded film ‘Fitoor’. In spite of all the publicity and stars like Katrina and Aditya the movie has been over shadowed by ‘Sanam Re’.
‘Sanam Re’ movie still
The movie also stars Urvashi Rautela in pivotal role and, has been reportedly released in more than 2000 screens across the nation. Produced by T-Series, the romantic film has a musical advantage. The movie is expected to remain stable on the coming weekdays as well. Divya Khosla Kumar’s last release ‘Yaariyan’ had collected 25.20 crores in 5 days despite starring new faces.