Sanjay Gupta's 'Jazbaa' witnessed a decent opening at the domestic box-office with Rs. Rs. 15.24 crores. The film also performed well at the international markets. The action drama managed to rake in Rs. 1.37 crores on its first Wednesday. Hence, its total box-office collection stands at Rs. 20.41 crores at the domestic front. The film is expected to touch the 25 crore mark in the coming days.
The crime thriller had created immense buzz around it even before its release, citing to the fact that it's a comeback movie of Bollywood diva Aishwarya Rai. The movie also stars endowed actors Irrfan Khan and Shabana Azmiin pivotal roles. Directed by Gupta, the film is presented by Essel Vision Productions Ltd, White Feather Films.