Another day and another 100 crore film for actor Ajay Devgn. Ajay already had 7 movies in the elite 100 crores club and with yesterday’s collections; Raid becomes his eight film to grab a spot on the prestigious list. As Raid is not a commercial film, it fought hard to enter the 100 crore club and it finally achieved the feat on its day 22. Until week 3, the film managed to earn Rs. 99.17 crores and yesterday, it collected Rs. 43 lakhs and took the grand total to Rs. 100.14 crores.
Weekly collection of Raid:
Week 1 Rs. 63.05 cr Week 2 Rs. 27.06 cr Week 3 Rs. 9.60 cr Week 4 (Friday) Rs. 43 lakhs Grand Total so far: Rs. 100.14 crores A still from RaidAfter achieving the amazing feat, Raid becomes the fourth film of 2018 to collect more than 100 crores at the domestic box office. In January this year, Padmaavat became the first film of the year to mark its spot on the list, followed by Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety and Baaghi 2.
Though the film is based on Indian real-life story, it still managed to do a healthy business in the overseas market as well. Globally, the Rajkumar Gupta’s film is standing strong with Rs.138 crores.
Apart from Ajay, the film also stars Ileana D’Cruz and Saurabh Shukla.