When Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt began to work on their first movie together, Brahmastra, in around 2018, they became close. After months of speculation, the couple is finally set to marry on April 14. Ranbir once discussed how it feels to fall in love with someone. He claimed that love makes water taste like sherbet.'
Alia and Ranbir will marry at Vastu, Ranbir's Bandra home. The private event will be attended by a handful of family and friends from both sides. Alia's uncle, Robin Bhatt, recently confirmed the date.
Ranbir revealed details about his dating life in a press conference in 2018. He'd started filming Brahmastra with Alia in Bulgaria a few months before. He said “Falling in love is the greatest thing in the world, the greatest feeling in the world. When you fall in love, everything is great, even water tastes like sherbet. You feel great. It does to me as a human being. That’s who I am. If I feel good about myself, the day, waking up in the morning and going to work, it’s because life is great and love makes life great.”
Alia met Ranbir for the first time when she was 11 years old. She was asked to act out a short scene with Ranbir in which she simply rested her head on his shoulder. She further explained saying, “It was damn stupid. And Sanjay sir still tells me you were flirting with Ranbir even at that time. I didn’t even know what flirting mean then.”
Brahmastra's filming was recently completed by Alia and Ranbir. The film, which also includes actors Amitabh Bachchan and Mouni Roy, will be released in theatres on September 9. It's the first installment of a sci-fi trilogy. Ayan Mukerji, Ranbir's friend, directed the film.