Samantha, who rose to new heights with her item number in Allu Arjun starrer Pushpa: The Rise (2021), is recently in Mumbai for a few ventures. Moments earlier, she was spotted with Varun Dhawan. The two were seen exiting a building in Andheri with director Raj Nidimoru, as they got clicked. In a video that has now gone viral on the Internet, Varun is seen protecting Samantha from the paparazzi.
As they were ready to exit the building, the paparazzi began calling Samantha, as shown in a video shared on Instagram by a paparazzi account. "Darao mat, kyun dara rahe ho isko (Do not frighten her)," Varun Dhawan warned them. "Why are you trying to scare her?)" When Samantha heard Varun, she smiled.
Varun gently escorted Samantha out of the building. He had his arms around her, attempting to protect her from others. As Samantha proceeded towards her car, Varun requested everyone to back off. "Thank you," Samantha was heard saying.
Varun Dhawan and Samantha will reportedly star together in the Indian spin-off of Citadel (2012), directed by Raj and DK alongside the Russo Brothers, who are known for their work with the Avengers. Their first project together will be this one. So yet, there has been no formal announcement.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Samantha will be next seen in the mythological film Shakuntalam and Kaathuvaakula Rendu Kaathal alongside Vijay Sethupathi and Nayanthara.
Varun Dhawan, on the other hand, will be next seen in Jugg Jugg Jeeyo, Bhediya and Rannbhoomi.