Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon are all set to reunite on silver screens after eight years in their upcoming flick Ganapath. The duo began filming in the United Kingdom for Ganapath late last year. Earlier Tiger wrote on Instagram as he welcomed Kriti in the film, "Time for some more action, more dhamaka, Welcoming my leading lady, Jassi, as she begins the UK schedule of #Ganapath. Can't wait to reunite with you
Tiger shared a selfie from the set of the film on his Instagram account on Saturday night, giving his followers an early glance at his character's look. Kriti posted a film on her Instagram Story later that night, revealing her rugged appearance from a likely action sequence. Her hair is untamed, and she has dust on her cheeks and smudged eyeliner around her eyes. She captioned, "Ganapath Night shoot."
Ganapath, directed by Vikas Bahl, is co-produced by Vikas Bahl, Jackky Bhagnani, Vashu Bhagnani, and Deepshikha Deshmukh under Good Co. Production and Pooja Entertainment. Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon will be reuniting on screen for the first time in eight years, after the 2014 romantic action drama Heropanti, which marked their Bollywood debut.