The wedding of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor wowed millions of fans who couldn't get enough of their favourite duo. It's fair to think that the wedding was a dreamy occasion, based on the wedding photos that have been making the rounds on the internet. The couple married in Ranbir's house's 'balcony,' which was their favourite area. Near and dear ones of Ranbir and Alia were present at the celebrations. On Thursday, Alia swept the internet by storm when she revealed splendid wedding pictures of herself and Ranbir along with a touching caption. Several pictures of the newlyweds were also shared by their friends and family, who congratulated them.
Sunil Talekar and Yusuf Ibrahim, Ranbir and Alia's bodyguards, also posted happy messages for the pair. Yusuf posed with the couple and posted a lovely photo on Instagram. In the capture, the trio appeared charming. "Mubrook Mr & Mrs Kapoor aliaabhatt #ranbirkapoor," Yusuf excitedly captioned the picture. Sunil, on the other hand, became emotional and added a sweet note to his picture. As the newlyweds posed for the photo, he looked happy. He captioned the picture, “From holding your tiny hands to seeing you as a bride I can say my heart is filled with happiness today.”
Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt tied the knot in Vastu, their Mumbai residence. The wedding guest list included close friends and family. 'Ranlia' ki shaadi was attended by Neetu Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, Pooja Bhatt, Karan Johar, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Ayan Mukerji, and Randhir Kapoor, amongst others. The couple wore Sabyasachi and Manish Malhotra for their wedding, which had a pastel theme.