Aryan Khan and Suhana Khan are without a doubt two of Bollywood's most popular Gen Z star kids. Aryan and Suhana Khan, the children of Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan, have yet to make their film debut. They have, however, been a part of the spotlight. Any image or news involving the sibling squad instantly captures the attention of fans and quickly goes trending. We came across an old photo of the star kids, shared by their good friend Ananya Panday while browsing the web, in which they can be seen arm battling with each other.
Ananya Panday posted the photo to her Instagram account on August 31, 2014. Young Suhana and Aryan are seen arm wrestling in what appears to be a restaurant in the photograph. This priceless photograph also features BFFs Ananya Panday and Shanaya Kapoor. Ananya captioned this photo "Faaaavvvess" when she shared it. In the comments section, Aryan, Suhana, Shanaya, and Ananya also participate in amusing banter. " suhanakhan2," one of Ananya's comments read. DID YOU EAT THE LARGE MODAK ?" "I couldn't finish it," Suhana replied. Ananya responded, "Because it was bigger than your face suhanakhan2."
Have a look at the pic:
In other reports, Suhana Khan is recently shooting her first Bollywood project, a Zoya Akhtar-directed film based on the Archie comic book. Along with Suhana, Khushi Kapoor and Agastya Nanda will make their acting debuts. According to a recent report in Mid-Day, Agastya, Khushi, and Suhana will be filming in Ooty for 40 days with a local crew, with only core cast members flying from Mumbai. Whereas Ananya Panday is currently filming Zoya Akhtar's Kho Gaye Hum Kahan with Siddhant Chaturvedi and Adarsh Gourav.