SRK’s daughter Suhana Khan, Sridevi’s daughter Khushi Kapoor and Amitabh Bachchan’s grandson Agastya Nanda are gearing up for their acting debut. With filmmaker Zoya Akhtar's upcoming Netflix original film The Archies, the Gen-Z star kids are set to make their Bollywood debut. The film is set in the 1960s and will be a live-action musical that introduces a new generation to the fictional town of Riverdale.
All of the four-star kids were recently photographed on set for a look test, and their photographs have gone viral on the internet. The three were sighted suited up in their character looks, according to paparazzi photos. Agastya's elder sister Navya Naveli Nanda was also seen in the leaked pictures from the sets of the forthcoming project, in addition to Suhana, Agastya, and Khushi.
We can guess that Khushi is playing Betty Cooper and Suhana is playing Veronica based on the pictures. Most likely, Agastya is playing Archie. Jughead Jones is played by another young lad who appears to be Vedang Raina.
In a statement, Jon Goldwater, CEO of Archie Comics, said he's excited to work with Netflix and trusts Zoya and her creative team to produce a "really unique and exciting take" on Archie and his buddies via the lens of Indian cinema. Goldwater stated that he recognises the global popularity of these characters, and that adapting them to diverse settings and cultures is just the beginning of his plans for future multimedia adaptations.