On Tuesday, a video surfaced on the internet in which Sonu Sood is seen helping a boy caught in a severe car accident. The actor took a 19-year-old boy to a hospital to get cured.
Apparently, while travelling through a flyover, Sonu noticed a car accident and stopped to help the injured. In the video, it is seen that two cars have collided sideways. When he reached the accident-wracked car, he found a 19-year-old boy injured in the car. The doors were unlocked, but he managed to unlock them and pulled the boy out of the car. He then took him to a nearby hospital in his own car.
In the next clips, Sonu is seen at the hospital where the boy is on a stretcher with blood on his body. Later, a woman told the actor that ‘all is well now’. Doctors said that if it weren’t for the actor’s help, the injury would have proved fatal.
Sharing the video on Twitter, the Sonu Sood Foundation wrote, "Every Life Counts."
Every Life Counts ???? SonuSood pic.twitter.com/veu5M6fcqU
— Sood Charity Foundation ( SoodFoundation) February 9, 2022
Many fans praised the good work. One fan commented, "It is needed in today's world that everyone helps others like you." While others wrote, "Till I'm alive, I will keep believing that this man, Sonu Sood, is a living saviour for mankind." My prayers are with you always, sir. God's blessings on you abundantly.”