A nurse and her husband have been arrested in New Delhi for allegedly stealing cash and jewellery worth Rs 2.4 crore from Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor and her husband Anand Ahuja's residence. According to the authorities, the nurse worked as a caretaker at Kapoor's home near Amrita Shergill Marg.
On February 23, Ahuja's family reported the theft to the Tughlak Road police station. The family claimed that cash and jewellery worth Rs 2.4 crores had gone missing, prompting the police to file a report.
Aparna Ruth Wilson and her husband Naresh Sagar were arrested on Wednesday, according to the police. Per the police, Wilson worked as a caretaker to assist Ahuja's mother, while Sagar works as an accountant at a private corporation in Shakarpur.
According to a senior police officer, the investigation was passed to the criminal branch, which deployed teams to Ahuja's home to conduct raids and question househelpers and other personnel.
The officer said, “Based on the questioning and inputs, we sent a team to Sarita Vihar where Wilson and Nagar were apprehended. They admitted to their crime and were arrested.”
The stolen jewellery and cash, on the other hand, have yet to be found. A first information report (FIR) was filed under section 381 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) (stealing by a servant of master's property). During the investigation, more than 20 people who worked at the residence were questioned.