Shanaya Kapoor recently posted her pictures on Instagram. She is bathing in the sun in a red bra and blue shorts. Shanaya wrote “Can we please bring back the sun? It’s kind of cold” as the caption on her post. As she posted her beautiful pictures, her friend Suhana Khan quickly commented, “Wow! Love you”. Ananya Panday also wrote “Dammmn Brotha.”
Shanaya Kapoor is the daughter of Bollywood actor Sanjay Kapoor. She will soon make her Bollywood debut in Shashank Khaitan's upcoming directorial, alongside Gurfateh Pirzada and Lakshya Lalwani. Previously, she worked as an assistant director on the sets of Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl (2020), which starred her cousin Janhvi Kapoor in the lead. Earlier, in an interview, she said that she would love to make her debut in Karan Johar’s film.
At a young age, Shanaya has turned into a social media star. She currently has a million followers on Instagram and is good friends with Suhana Khan and Ananya Panday.
According to her father, Sanjay Kapoor, she is taking acting classes and dance lessons and doing all the things that need to be done before starting an acting career.