The world has seen Shah Rukh Khan's children, Aryan Khan and Suhana Khan, take charge at the IPL auction 2022 in Bengaluru for their team, the Kolkata Knight Riders, over the last two days. Aryan and Suhana returned to Mumbai on Monday morning, having assembled their dream team of talented players. The paparazzi surrounded them as they exited the airport, wanting to photograph them. Despite the chaos, Aryan and Suhana were protected by Shah Rukh's personal bodyguard Ravi Singh.
As seen in the photos and video, Aryan and Suhana are dressed casually as they return to Mumbai. Aryan was spotted wearing a grey tee, blue distressed jeans, and sneakers. As he walked out of the airport, he was seen carrying a black backpack. Suhana, on the other hand, was dressed in a black tee, a denim jacket, and matching jeans. She completed her look with a high-end bag and sneakers. Ravi Singh, SRK's bodyguard, protected the star kids.
Shah Rukh Khan fans have gone crazy over Aryan and Suhana's photos from the IPL auction. Their event videos and photos went viral, and even Suhana and Gauri Khan reacted to the photo. On Saturday, KKR's Twitter account shared photos of Suhana, Aryan, and Jahnavi Mehta with the team's CEO. It was Aryan's first public appearance since his arrest in the cruise ship case in October. Since then, the star kid has stayed out of the spotlight.