Shah Rukh Khan is back in action, and his fans couldn't be happier. The megastar, who was last seen in 2018's Zero, is set to make his big-screen comeback with Siddharth Anand's Pathaan and is currently filming for the same. Several images from the Pathaan sets had even popped up on the internet, getting fans excited for the film. And now, Shah Rukh Khan has taken the internet by storm once again, this time flaunting his Pathaan look.
Shah Rukh took to Instagram to share a shirtless photo of himself taken by Tarun Vishwa in which he was hanging from two ropes. He sported long hair with stubble and completed his ensemble with fashionable sunglasses and track pants. In fact, Shah Rukh was turning up the heat by proudly displaying his perfectly sculpted abs. "Shah Rukh agar thoda Rukh bhi gaya toh Pathaan ko kaise rokoge," the superstar wrote in the caption. "Apps & Abs sab bana dalunga..." Pathaan's new picture has certainly piqued his interest.
Here’s the picture SRK shared which created a mess on Instagram:
In terms of Pathaan, the film will also star Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. Shah Rukh and Deepika are presently in Spain filming for Siddharth Anand's directorial, and the shoot is expected to wrap up tomorrow. "After Mallorca, Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone will travel to Cadiz and Jerez for an action-packed schedule." "They'll be pushing their bodies to their limits and filming some death-defying stunts," a source said. Pathaan is set to be released on January 25, 2020.