In the current “pan-India” realm of Indian cinema, only a select few films have managed to make the cut. Veteran actor Sanjay Dutt wishes to look at things from a slightly different perspective and do away with the term “pan-India”.
On how Bollywood actors like himself being part of the south movies and how it is making an impact, he says: "Well it is wrong to classify this movie as a Kannada or south movie. It's not even a pan-India film but a 'Hindustani' film and Prashanth as a director has done a tremendous job. From my look everything was discussed with him and we used to call him 'captain of the ship'. He knows exactly what he wants from each one of us and we performed the way he wanted us to."
Giving thanks to his fans, Sanjay concludes: "I am thankful to each of my fans for their support and prayers. I just want to say: 'watch 'K.G.F: Chapter 2' and give your love to the movie.'"