Yesterday, Shah Rukh Khan offered fans a preview of his Pathaan look, and things went crazy. But what fans are really looking forward to witness is the special sequence in the film, featuring both the Khans of Bollywood. Salman Khan's cameo as Tiger in SRK's Pathaan has already been done, as we all know. Now it's Pathaan's turn to join the Tiger 3 cast. This shoot is scheduled to take place very soon, according to ETimes.
According to sources close to the production, SRK will be filming with Salman on a Mumbai set in June. SRK is now filming Pathaan in Spain and will return to Mumbai by the end of the month. After that, in April, he'll start shooting Raju Hirani's untitled film. Soon, Salman will begin filming for Sajid Nadiadwala's Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali, after which the two stars will take a break from their separate projects to finish a really exciting sequence for Tiger 3.
"The Tiger 3 moment with Shah Rukh and Salman will be talked about long after the film's release," the source said. The sequence in Pathaan will follow the same pattern."
Both Pathaan and Tiger 3 are action thrillers, and SRK and Salman are collaborating to build a unique universe for their respective brands.