It's been a year since Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor welcomed their little bundle of joy, Jeh aka Jehangir Ali Khan. It's Jeh's first birthday today and it obviously calls for a party in the Pataudi household. Kareena Kapoor took to her Instagram stories and posted an adorable picture of Saif with all his four kids, Ibrahim, Sara, Taimur and Jeh. She captioned the picture, "One for the album", with a red heart.
In the picture, Saif is seen standing on an armchair, posing with Sara and Ibrahim. Ibrahim is carrying Taimur on his shoulders whereas Sara is holding baby Jeh in her arms. Saif and Ibrahim are seen twinning in maroon and Sara is seen twinning with baby Jeh in white. Saif Ali Khan sported a red T-shirt with blue pants and sunglasses in the photo. Sara Ali Khan wore her hair loose and wore a white dress with red and white shoes. Ibrahim was clothed in a red jacket, blue pants, and a black T-shirt.
With two Instagram images posted earlier today, Kareena Kapoor wished her one-year-old. Jeh crawled behind his bigger brother Taimur in the picture, both turning their backs to the camera. The Ra.One (2011) actress wrote the caption, "Bhaiii, wait for me I am One today. Let's explore the world together... of course with Amma following us everywhere. Happy birthday My Jeh baba... My life".
The second photo was of Saif and Jeh. Kareena captioned the photo, "Ok, Abba will follow too."
Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor tied the knot in 2012. They welcomed their first child Taimur in 2016 and Jehangir, in 2021.