Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor took their 5-year relationship to the next level by marrying on April 14 at the actor's Vastu residence in Mumbai. It was a small ceremony attended only by near and dear ones. The newlywed took to social media to share some dreamy photos from her wedding day. Their photos have gone viral, and details about their wedding attire are just beginning to emerge. Alia's large diamond ring, mangalsutra, and one-of-a-kind kaleeras are all dreamy. And now, a fan has discovered that Alia's mangalsutra has an 8 connection. For those who are unaware, Ranbir Kapoor's lucky number is 8. Surprisingly, it also represents 'infinity.'
Alia and Ranbir wore matching Sabyasachi gowns to their wedding. Alia Bhatt opted for a hand-dyed ivory organza saree instead of the traditional lehenga. If you zoom in on Alia's closeups with Ranbir, you'll notice that her svelte mangalsutra displays Ranbir's lucky number.
Aside from that, Ranbir and Alia fans from all over the world, as well as companions from the Bollywood industry, are sending their best wishes to the newlywed couple. Meanwhile, Ranbir's family welcomed the nayi dulhan with open arms. Priyanka Chopra, Deepika Padukone, Vicky Kaushal, Katrina Kaif, Sonam Kapoor, Varun Dhawan, Siddharth Malhotra, and many others from the Bollywood industry congratulated the newly wedded couple with joy and light.
In the meantime, Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to celebrate her and Ranbir's wedding day, sharing romantic wedding photos of the couple with a description that won millions of hearts.