Priyanka Chopra who has recently become a mother is making an effort to maintain her work commitments The actor was spotted in Rome, where he had previously stepped away from acting. The actor was in town to shoot for a high-end brand, but she also took time to enjoy the city's beauty. Priyanka's fans were ecstatic when entrepreneur JC Babin posted photos of her on his Instagram account. Priyanka looked stunning in a black gown in the photos. In one photo, she appeared to be distracted by her mobile, while in another, she was caught in a moving scene.
Priyanka’s friend JC Babin said, “She has a contagious energy and optimism, multifaceted cultural and societal interests, an immense 7th Art talent, and a passion for beautiful arts and sophisticated craftsmanship, with a deep knowledge of Jewelry.”
JC Babin Priyanka Chopra’s friend shares pictures on his Instagram account. Here are the images below:
It was not just Priyanka Chopra who was called upon for the brand campaign, even Blackpink star Lisa was invited. After the news fans are very eager to see Lisa and Priyanka work together
On the professional front, Priyanka is excited about the opening of Text For You. She recently finished filming Citadel, a Russo brothers series for Amazon Prime Video. Whereas we will also see Priyanka working on a Bollywood film Jee Le Zara, alongside Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt.