After welcoming their daughter last month, Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra and American singer Nick Jonas have been maintaining a low profile. Priyanka Chopra recently shared a set of pictures from her Sunday outing with husband Nick Jonas on social media. The Desi Girl star posted an Instagram reel which also included a couple of her car selfies, some of which include Nick. Nick, however, can be seen blurred in the pictures.
In the pictures, Priyanka is seen dressed in a classic white t-shirt. She kept her makeup minimal and let her honey blonde tresses loose. She posed for a selfie as the sunlight lit up her face through the car's window. Blurred Nick, on the other hand is seen donning a black jacket and sunglasses. He is seen looking into the camera. Sharing the clip on Instagram, the Dostana (2008) actress captioned it with a bunch of emoticons.
“Awww so cute. Hope you guys are having a great time together,”a fan commented on the post. Another wrote, “Love blurry nick in the background."
In January, Chopra and Jonas announced the birth of their first child. They shared a joint statement, which read, "We are overjoyed to confirm that we have welcomed a baby via surrogate. We respectfully ask for privacy during this special time as we focus on our family. Thank you so much."
Dr. Madhu Chopra, Priyanka's mother, recently celebrated the 14th anniversary of her clinic. She stated at the ceremony, when asked about her grandchild, “Nani bane toh bahut bahut khushi hui mujhe (I was so happy to become a grandmother). I am only smiling all the time. I'm very happy.”She also stated that the baby has yet to be given a name, as they are awaiting suggestions from the priest.
On the work front, Priyanka was last seen in The Matrix Resurrections (2021), in which she co-starred with Keanu Reeves. She's finished filming her first online series Citadel as well as the romance comedy Text For You. In Bollywood, she will star alongside Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt in Farhan Akhtar directorial Jee Le Zaraa.