With their love story, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt have painted the town red. On April 14, the couple married in a private ceremony at Ranbir Kapoor’s Vaastu apartment in Bandra. The most unique wedding gift in the name of the Bollywood star couple is a pair of rescued horses named after the actor-couple due to their love for animals.
The pair is made up of a mare and a stallion who were rescued from different places. The stallion was taken from the Gateway of India in Mumbai, where he was being forced to pull a large Victoria carriage, while the mare was being used for wedding ceremonies and was in poor condition when she was discovered. NGO Animal Rahat presented the duo to Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt.
When they were rescued, both animals were in horrible condition. The mare was anaemic, had several infected sores, and was emaciated to the point where her ribs and hip bones protruded.
The stallion, on the other hand, was suffering from acute osteoarthritis and excruciating swelling on all four legs. Both horses are now resting in one of Animal Rahat's sanctuaries, where they are fed and given veterinary treatment.
Pooja Bhatt lauded the NGO's thoughtful gesture on her Instagram account. Sharing the picture of the horses, the NGO captioned, “Bollywood power couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor chose to keep their wedding day horse-free! A perfect occasion for anyone to spare a thought for and show love to ALL our fellow sentient beings. In honour of their compassion, Animal Rahat has named these horses Ranbir & Alia!”
In 2017, Alia and Ranbir started dating. While filming Ayan Mukerji's fantasy drama Brahmastra, the two formed an everlasting relationship. In 2018, when they appeared together at Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja's wedding reception, the duo finally acknowledged rumours about their relationship.