While shooting a commercial with her son, Ranbir Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor took to Instagram to express her appreciation. The Bollywood legend is having a great time filming her next TV commercial and shared a photo from the set. Neetu offered followers a glimpse of their connection by posting a candid photo.
Neetu was wearing a yellow kurta with white embroidery on the neck and sleeves in the photo. The actress was seated on a couch with her son Ranbir, who was dressed smartly in a blue shirt. Neetu went on to express her love for her adorable son in the caption, writing, “Ad shoot with my “jaane Jigar. “
While the wedding rumours have fans delighted, Ranbir Kapoor's aunt Rima Jain told a news portal, "Nothing that I know of as yet. They will get married but I don't know when. They will decide and then suddenly you'll will all get to know. Nothing like this. Hum log ne kuch prepare hi nahin kiya toh shaadi kaise itni jaldi hogi (We haven't prepared anything yet, so how will the wedding happen so soon?). It will be shocking for me also if it's true. Wedding will definitely happen, but I don't know when."
For those who are uninformed, Ranbir Kapoor has been making headlines in Bollywood for his wedding to ladylove Alia Bhatt. Ranbir and Alia will tie the knot in Mumbai next week, and the wedding festivities will take place between April 13 and April 17. According to rumours, Ranbir-wedding Alia's would be a star-studded occasion, with Karan Johar, Ayan Mukerji, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Manish Malhotra, Shah Rukh Khan, and others expected to attend.