The wedding festivities for Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor began on Wednesday morning at the pair's momentary residence Vastu in Mumbai's Bandra. The couple's dearest friends and family are the only people invited to the intimate wedding. The event began on Wednesday with a puja for the late Rishi Kapoor, accompanied by lunch and the Mehendi ceremony.
Ranbir's cousins Karisma Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan, as well as his aunts, were present at the Mehendi ceremony. Ranbir's mother and aunts were seen dancing to the actor's hit songs as well as Alia's famous songs. Ranbir's mother, sister, and cousins apparently danced to Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali, Dholida, Cutie Pie, and Tainu Leke Jawa, among other songs, according to the sources.
It appears that Neetu Kapoor and her team worked hard to prepare for Ranbir and Alia's Mehendi. The senior actress took to social media to share a picture of herself and her crew, which included choreographer Rajendra Singh. Neetu captioned the photo, "Our dance squad," when she shared it. Karisma Kapoor, Rima Jain, Nitasha Nanda, and Anissa Malhotra were among those in the photo.
Aside from showing off her dance team, Neetu also posted a picture of her Mehendi. In a touching gesture, Neetu had her late husband's name 'Rishi' written on her index finger.