When Shahid Kapoor married Mira Rajput from Delhi in 2015, the chocolate boy of Bollywood broke millions of single hearts. Since then, the couple has remained together and has two beautiful children, Zain and Misha. Mira has a large fan base on social media despite the fact that she is not from the entertainment world. Mira occasionally posts photos and videos of her husband on Instagram, which are completely irresistible.
Mira gave a glance at her husband just a few hours earlier as the two went on a dinner date. Mira posted a short video of Shahid in his goofy attitude and looking oh-so-cute in the Instagram stories section. While sharing the endearing video, She captioned “Hi honey shahidkapoor.”
Shahid had previously stated in an interview that Mira is extremely crucial in all of his films. He said “Except the bad ones. She doesn’t waste her time over them. She’s like, ‘it’s so bad I don’t want to comment on it. Let’s talk about the ones that are decent. She is very straight up. I like that. And we don’t always agree.”
In terms of his professional career, Shahid will next be seen in the film Jersey. Mrunal Thakur plays the lead role in the film as well. The film was supposed to be released on April 14th, but it was pushed back a week. It will now be released on April 22nd.