In Madhya Pradesh, police arrested a man after he threatened to blow up Bollywood megastar Shah Rukh Khan’s bungalow, Mannat. Jitesh Thakur is accused of allegedly calling the Maharashtra police control centre on January 6 and threatening to blow up many spots in Mumbai, including Mannat in Bandra.
According to the report, the accused called the Maharashtra Police Control Centre and threatened to blow up several locations in Mumbai, including Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT), Kurla railway station, and a gurdwara in neighbouring Navi Mumbai, with nuclear weapons, according to Mumbai police. He has been charged under sections 182, 505, and 506 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
CSP Alok Sharma, in a statement, said, “We received a call from the Maharashtra police saying that a call claiming to carry terrorist attacks was made from Jabalpur. They sought our help in arresting the man. We have picked him up and have booked him under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code.”
“He does not have any motive. He often gets drunk and then makes these calls. We found out that his married life has not been going smoothly because of which he has been disturbed lately” Sharma further added.