Kunal Kemmu, a Bollywood actor, is currently enjoying the victory of his series Abhay 3. He received a lot of applause from the audience for his acting abilities. Aside from that, Kunal is a family man, having married Saif Ali Khan's sister Soha Ali Khan. The couple also has a beautiful daughter Inaaya. He also got along well with Saif and his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan, with whom he frequently socializes. Kunal recently reported the ambiance at the family dinner when he, Soha, Saif, and Kareena feast together in an interview.
Kunal referred to Kareena as a funny person, he says “I got to know this firsthand only because I'm now a part of that family. She is genuinely very very funny.” We've had meals where I have not been able to eat, because when she gets into that zone, oh my god she is hilarious. She is so much fun actually to be with."
When asked for specifics at the dinner table with "fun" Kareena and "witty" Saif and Soha, Kunal replied, "It's Laughter Challenge." He continued, "What I mean is that the personalities are generally such. It's all good, it's all fun. We're all laughing hysterically."
Kunal Kemmu applauded the Vijay Raaz's performance in Abhay 3. It's worth noting that they previously appeared together in the film Lootcase. He said “We have a lot of new characters including Vijay Raaz, who I love as an actor. And it's so different from the last time we interacted which was for Loot Case. His part in Abhay is I think something that I've never seen him play before. So, it was very interesting working with him.”