Bollywood actress Karisma Kapoor gushed over her younger sister Kareena Kapoor Khan after the latter uploaded a stunning photo from their recent Maldives holiday. On Monday, March 14, the sisters and their children, Karisma's Samaira Kapoor and Kiaan Raj Kapoor, and Kareena's Taimur Ali Khan and Jehangir Ali Khan, boarded a private jet for the Maldives.
The Kapoor sisters treated their fans to several pictures from their getaway. Karisma Kapoor took to her Instagram to treat fans to a fresh picture with sister Kareena Kapoor. Fans, on the other hand, are concerned about Bebo's sunburned complexion in the picture.
Kareena looked great in a powder blue dress with ruffled sleeves, while Karisma looked stunning in a white Kaftan dress with a red floral design. On the beach, the gorgeous sisters strike a pose for the camera. ‘Grateful for each other and everything in between. #bestsisterever Pic credit - thesamairakapur,’ Karisma Kapoor captioned the post.
However, many people noted that the Jab We Met (2007) actress had sunburn. In the shot, her face was completely red. Fans left a slew of queries in the comments section. "OMG Bebo skin," one wrote. "Bebo has a bad case of Rosacea," according to another. Another wrote, "Why does your face resemble tomatoes?" "Why is Bebo's face so red?" someone else said. "What happened to Kareena's face?" one person questioned.
Kareena and Karisma Kapoor and their children departed for the Maldives on March 14 and returned on March 19. Natasha Poonawalla, Kareena's and Karisma's pal, was also in the Maldives with them.