Jahnavi Chawla, Juhi Chawla's daughter, was spotted at this year's IPL auction ceremony. Suhana Khan and Aryan Khan, Shah Rukh Khan's children, accompanied the actor's daughter. Jahnavi, Suhana, and Aryan took the place of Juhi and Shah Rukh at the recent Indian Premier League auction, representing themselves as the new faces of Kolkata Knight Riders. The two stars share ownership of the team.
During a conversation, Juhi revealed how she felt while seeing her daughter Jahnavi on camera. When asked if they could be labeled as KKR's future, Juhi responded, "Not just the future, they are the present of the team. It is very funny how there was a time when our kids would be at home and we would be on the screen. Suddenly, it was the other way around because I was home watching my daughter on-screen. It was beautiful. God bless her, Aryan and Suhana. I wish them all the best.
Juhi also said earlier in an interview when asked if her daughter has an interest in cricket as much as she does and she adds, “When she was about 12 years old, we were in Bali on a family holiday. At the hotel was a coffee table book. It had the life stories, achievements, records, a sort of almanac, of all the cricketers of the world. In the few days that we spent at the hotel, in between her jumping into the pool and behaving like a mad hatter, she sat and read that book cover to cover! It was so unusual and so intense. Which 12-year-old girl does that I wondered? As the years have passed, her interest in the game has only increased. When cricket is discussed, her face lights up, she is happy and enthused. Her knowledge on the topic, is to me, astounding.”
Juhi and Shah Rukh Khan have known each other for many years. Aside from being business partners, the two have appeared in a number of films together, including Darr, Yes Boss, Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman, and others. However, they haven't been seen on camera together in years. When asked if they might appear in a movie in the coming years, Juhi replied, "Arre! I hope so. Why don’t you pose this question to Shah Rukh Agli baar wo saamne aaye toh unko bolo ki zara Juhi ke saath kaam karo.”
We will see Juhi Chawla in a film sharing the screen with Lt Rishi Kapoor and Paresh Rawal’s next Sharmaaji Namkeen.