Many star kids aspire to follow in their parents' footsteps and make their acting debut in Bollywood. While starlets like Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor, Shanaya Kapoor are all set to make their big screen debuts, Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan made it clear that she has no plans to appear on the big screen. The star kid, on the other hand, aspires to be a filmmaker. For the uninitiated, she directed the play Medea, which starred Hazel Keech.
Ira recently held an Instagram Q&A session where she talked with her followers. She answered a variety of questions on mental health, her future plans, and other topics. During the conversation, one Instagram user inquired about her aspirations to pursue a career as an actor in the film business. "I'm not going into movies," she said in response. Although it is clear that Ira has no desire to be an actress, her previous work suggests that she might one day work as a film director.
Ira had previously released a video in which she discussed her childhood ambitions. Aamir Khan's daughter said in the video that she wanted to fix the problem of corruption and eliminate unemployment, among other things.
In terms of her personal life, she has been dating Nupur Shikhare, a fitness specialist, for quite some time. In 2021, on Valentine's Day, the two made their relationship official.
Meanwhile, Aamir's eldest son Junaid Khan (Ira's sibling) is gearing up to make his feature film debut with Yash Raj Films' Maharaja, which is now in the works. Shalini Pandey, Sharvari Wagh, and Jaideep Ahlawat will also play significant roles in the film.