Abhishek Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, and Amitabh Bachchan's son took to social media on Saturday to wish his mother a happy 74th birthday. Abhishek uploaded a throwback photo of a young Jaya Bachchan posing for photos. Abhishek Bachchan captioned the photo, "Happy birthday, Ma. "I adore you." Many of his friends soon joined him in genuinely wish the iconic actor a happy birthday after he shared the photo.
"Happy birthday, Jaya Maa," Rohit Bose Roy wrote, while Athiya Shetty referred to her as a "favorite." Tusshar Kapoor was one of the celebrities who commented "Happy birthday" on Abhishek's post. Commentators included Sachin Shroff, Zoya Akhtar, Chitrangada Singh, and others. Navya Naveli Nanda, Abhishek's niece, posted a still from one of Jaya Bachchan's films with the caption "Happy birthday Nani."
Shweta Bachchan, Jaya and Amitabh's daughter, later took to Instagram and shared photos of Jaya Bachchan as an NCC cadet. "Mother, may you always smile as if you're the best NCC cadet or have a huge plate of crabs to devour," she captioned the post.
Abhishek Bachchan was most recently seen in Dasvi, a film that premiered on Netflix and JioCinema on Thursday. Abhishek spoke candidly about his mother's review of the film in an interview. Abhishek stated that while his mother is candid with her feedback, she tends to remain silent when she dislikes his work. The actor admitted that Jaya Bachchan's "ma ki mamta vibes" limit her reactions, but her silence allows Abhishek to comprehend her reactions. He went on to say that Jaya Bachchan "said a few words" about Dasvi, which he considers to be a "very, very good sign." In the meantime, Amitabh Bachchan is promoting the film as aggressively as possible. Earlier this month, he shared his response to the trailer.