Bollywood actor, Tiger Shroff, who is gearing up for the release of the second instalment of his Heropanti franchise, recently took to Instagram and uploaded a snippet from his upcoming film. The actor posted an amusing behind-the-scenes clip from the set. He can be seen in the video performing daring action scenes.
Sharing the video on his Instagram account, the Baaghi (2016) actor captioned the post, ”Heres a little bts of creating some choreo on the lambos on set, had about 5 mins to rehearse this shot with my boys, i think i got a lot higher in the actual take, after busting my neck and burning my back i think it was worth it atleast. Watch out for one of the most exhilarating sequences coming soon #heropanti2 #thiseid #29april.”
This time, Tiger's elevated stunts have piqued the interest of Disha Patani, the actor's rumoured girlfriend and Baaghi 2 (2018) co-star. "Crazyyy you are," Disha wrote in the comments section, while Hrithik Roshan said, "Fab." Aisha Shroff, Tiger's mother, also praised the actor as she tossed hearts on the post.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Tiger Shroff was last seen in the 2019 film, War. He will be next seen in Heropanti 2 alongside Tara Sutaria and Nawazuddin Siddiqui. Heropanti 2 will mark his second collaboration with Siddiqui, following the 2017 film, Munna Michael. The 32-year-old actor will also be seen in Ganapath opposite Kriti Sanon.