India’s nightingale, legendary singer, Lata Mangeshkar, passed away on Sunday (February 6th) at the age of 92. India has been in mourning ever since. Many film personalities, including Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Javed Akhtar, Ranbir Kapoor, Aamir Khan, Vidya Balan, Siddharth Roy Kapur, and others attended the funeral of the singer at Mumbai’s Shivaji Park.
However, veteran actor Dharmendra did not attend the funeral. While talking to a publication, he said that he got ready thrice for the funeral, but could not muster up the courage to attend. He also said, “I did not want to see her leave us.” He also shared that he had been feeling uncomfortable and uneasy since he heard the news of her sad demise.
Dharmendra also shared a memory with Lataji. He recalled that when he shared a sad tweet, Lataji immediately called to check on him, if he was ok.
Dharmendra shared a picture of him with the singer from his Twitter account after her sad demise. He wrote, "The whole world is sad. I can’t believe you have left us!!! We will miss you, Lata Ji, pray for your soul to be in peace. "
The late singer has worked with Dharmendra and his wife, Hema Malini, on multiple movies. She has given vocals for many songs, including “Saathiya Nahi Jaana Ke Jee Na Lage”, and “Kal Ki Haseen Mulaqat Ke Liye”.