Shah Rukh Khan's Bandra house Mannat now has a new look. This famous landmark is updated with a new LED nameplate illuminating at night. It also has a new front gate. Several fans always visit this landmark and click pics. Whereas the actor himself always gives his appearance on the platform on occasion. It is trending on social media.
Several fans of actor Shah Rukh Khan's fan shared pics of the Mannat's exterior. The nameplate of the front gate was taken out earlier and was meant to be repaired. The new nameplate, named 'diamond name plate' by fans, was added to its place. The illuminating name plate and the front gate are also repaired. The old one had a rusting gate repaired with new black and white paint.
Several fans have posted pics and videos of the actor's resident renovation. Picture showing the new gate and the nameplate of the bungalow of Shah Rukh Khan. The picture shows that the Mannat is glowing in the dark. Fans were waiting for its renovation, and it was over. It was worth it. Fans were clicked in front of the new gate, posing similar to the actor's signature step, the star.
After 2 months #Mannat new gate design is unveiled and it's super awesome.
— Team Shah Rukh Khan Fan Club ( teamsrkfc) November 19, 2022
What do you think guys? ????#GauriKhan #ShahRukhKhan
A new number plate was installed in April, but it was taken out in some days only to be repaired after several months. It looks nice. The actor is busy shooting for his upcoming film Dunki.' He will have three upcoming projects lined up for him. It looks nice. The actor is busy shooting for his upcoming film Dunki.' He will have three upcoming projects lined up for him.