On Wednesday, producer Farhan Akhtar posted a photo of himself on his Instagram account. In the photo, it can be seen that the actor-filmmaker is enjoying himself on a swing. He writes “Jhoolta January” as the comment on the post. His soon to be wife Shibani Dandekar comments “Oh, hi!” on the post.
In the black-and-white picture, Akhtar is standing on a swing that is tied to a tree branch. He is enjoying the “far outdoors” while wearing a tank top and shorts.
Farhan Akhtar and Shibani Dandekar will complete four years of a happy relationship in 2022. The couple is in a live-in relationship and will soon get married in the month of March, as per reports. The couple frequently shares beautiful photos of themselves together.
Farhan Akhtar and Shibani Dandekar wanted a lavish summer wedding, but the surge in COVID-19 changed their plans. According to a report, the couple has booked a five-star hotel for the wedding. The ceremony will be an intimate affair, where Farhan and Shibani will say their vows, witnessed by only close friends and family members.