One of the most unique actors of Bollywood, Emraan Hashmi turned a year older and wiser today. He is known as the romance king of Bollywood as witnessed by his movies. He made his Bollywood debut in 2003 with Vikram Bhatt’s Footpath and went on to star in a number of romantic blockbuster franchise like Murder, Jannat, Raaz and delivered many single hits as well like Aashiq Banaya Aapne (2005), Tum Mile (2009), Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai (2010) and many more.
The actor is currently gearing up for his upcoming film, Selfiee, wherein he’ll co-star alongside Akshay Kumar. Hashmi celebrated his 43rd birthday on the sets of the film with co-stars and other crew members. The film's makers turned to social media to offer fans a clip of Emraan Hashmi cutting the cake on the set of the movie.
In the video, Emraan Hashmi appears to be overjoyed as he blows out the candle on his birthday cake. Meanwhile, co-star Akshay Kumar is seen welcoming the team to join in on the special occasion. The Mr. X (2015) actor then proceeds to cut the chocolate cake while the crew sings him the song Baar Baar Din Ye Aaye. The makers captioned the video, “ therealemraan’s birthday celebrations are in full swing on the sets of #Selfiee! This frame is everyone’s favourite!"
Directed by Raj Mehta, Selfiee marks Emraan Hashmi and Akshay Kumar’s debut collaboration on a project. The film also stars Diana Penty and Nushrratt Bharucha as the female leads.