Bachchhan Paandey, starring Akshay Kumar and Kriti Sanon, is one of the most anticipated films of 2022. The trailer for the film is set to be released tomorrow, and today the makers shared a new poster depicting Kriti Sanon as an aspiring director and Akshay as a gangster. Kriti also revealed that the trailer will be released on February 18 at 10:40 a.m. The actress hyped fans about her and Akshay's story in the film, expressing her excitement for the film's release.
Sharing the new poster, Kriti wrote, "Baghwa ka Bachchhan Paandey, Aur Mumbai ki Myra! Ek gangster Aur Ek aspiring director! Kya hogi humari story? #SajidNadiadwala's #BachchhanPaandey, directed by farhadsamji, Trailer out tomorrow! CAN’T WAIT to share with you guys!" Akshay also teased fans with the same poster.
The film has been the talk of the town since it went on floors and after many delays due to COVID 19 pandemic, it is now all set to release next month. The new poster showcases Kriti sitting behind Akshay on a bike while pointing a gun at someone. The swag of the two stars is unmissable in the same.
Previously, Akshay had shared two deadly posters of himself and revealed that the spelling of the film's title had been changed.
Kriti revealed her excitement for the film in an interview. She had revealed, “It is a very unique script I would say, very entertaining. It’s got everything - action, comedy, romance, drama, it’s got a little bit of thriller too. The dynamics of his and my character is very unique. You have seen his looks, so his look is like a killer. I had a blast shooting that film."
We have seen the duo Akshay and Kriti together 2 years ago in Housefull 4 (2019), and fans had loved their chemistry in that film, now they’ll get to see them again but this time in a whole different style.
Jacqueline Fernandez is also part of Bachchhan Paandey. Prateik Babbar, Pankaj Tripathi, and Arshad Warsi also play important roles in the film. Farhad Samji is directing and Sajid Nadiadwala is producing. The film is scheduled to be released on March 18, 2022.