The garage of Athiya Shetty has been expanded. Recently, the actress brought home a sleek new Audi. She posted a photo of her new Audi Q7 on Instagram on Monday. The latest Audi Q7 was released earlier this year, with a starting price of ₹88.33 lakhs.
The car has 3.0-litre TFSI, V6 petrol engine that belts out 335 bhp and 500 Nm of peak torque, mated to an 8-speed Tiptronic gearbox and the Quattro AWD system as standard.
The most exciting thing about the car is that it can travel from 0-100 kmph within just 5.9 seconds!
Athiya Shetty, the daughter of Suniel and Mana Shetty, is known to have a large collection of cars. She has been seen driving a Mercedes Benz S-Class and a Ford EcoSport in and around Mumbai. She was also photographed traveling in a BMW X5 a few years back, which according to Cartoq was classified as sold out in 2018.
Athiya made her Bollywood debut in 2015 with the film Hero, which was also Sooraj Pancholi's first project. Mubarakan (2017) and Motichoor Chaknachoor (2019) are two of her other flicks.