For quite some time, cricketer KL Rahul and actress Athiya Shetty have been setting relationship goals, from attending a film screening together to teaming up for a brand endorsement. While the batsman displays his cricketing abilities on the field, his ladylove cheers him on from the stands. On the occasion of KL Rahul's 30th birthday today, the Hero (2015) actress surprised fans with a batch of previously unseen pictures.
Athiya shared three photographs of her cricketer boyfriend snuggling and holding one another lovingly, wishing him a happy birthday. The couple can also be seen holding hands and walking through a forest in one of the pictures. Athiya can also be seen taking a selfie while on the bus, all curled up in their warm clothes. The actress captioned her post, “Anywhere with you, happy birthday.”
Fans and celebrities alike flocked to the pictures. "Cutest!" wrote Malavika Mohanan. Anushka and Akanksha Ranjan both sent hearts, and Esha Gupta also responded with a heart. They were called the 'cutest' couple by fans.
Athiya rushed to Instagram on Sunday to share a photo of her breakfast, which she enjoyed with none other than KL Rahul. The fitness-obsessed duo had some nutritious pancakes over the weekend, which were topped with trail mix and syrup. In the caption, Athiya shared her delight, writing, “ rahulkl finally sharing his food.”
Last year, the couple announced their relationship and made their first red carpet appearance at the premiere of Ahan Shetty's Tadap (2021). KL Rahul has a deep and strong relationship with Athiya's brother Ahan, father Suniel Shetty, and mother Mana Shetty, in addition to Athiya.