For Karan Johar's upcoming film, Ananya Panday is reportedly set to team up with Akshay Kumar for the first time ever. Johar has reportedly begun production on his next production venture. The film will be a courtroom drama based on the life of C Sankaran Nair, a lawyer and former President of the Indian National Congress.
Akshay Kumar and Ananya Panday have been cast in the film, according to a news portal report. Ananya will play a combative junior lawyer in the film, while Akshay will portray the late lawyer-activist. Despite the fact that the young actress is yet to sign on the dotted line, rumours abound that she is onboard to play the part.
According to the report, the courtroom drama has been titled, The Untold Story Of C Sankaran Nair and would be directed by debutant director Karan Singh Tyagi.
In 1915, Nair was a member of the Viceroy's Executive Council, but after the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in 1919, he resigned. Raghu and Pushpa Palat's book, The Case That Shook the Empire, is said to be the inspiration for the movie. According to sources, it will follow the lawyer's fight against the British Raj to unearth the role of Punjab Lieutenant Governor Michael O'Dwyer in the massacre.
The film will reportedly commence filming once Akshay completes a portion of the Soorarai Pottru (2020) remake.