Superstar Amitabh Bachchan, who currently resides in his Juhu bungalow, Jalsa, sold his parents, Harivansh Rai Bachchan and Teji Bachchan’s home, Sopaan, in South Delhi for a whopping ₹23 crore to his friend Avni Bader, CEO of Nezone Group. After Amitabh had moved to Mumbai, his parents had also eventually moved with him to the city. The deal was done in December of last year.
The house is situated in Gulmohar Park in South Delhi. It is said to be spread across 418.05 square metres and it was registered in Teji Bachchan’s name. Avni Bader, who is the new owner of the house and also a friend of the actor, lives close to the property. While talking to a publication, he stated that the property is old, so it will be demolished and reconstructed according to requirements.
Amitabh Bachchan lives in his Juhu bungalow along with his wife, Jaya Bachchan, son Abhishek Bachchan, daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, and granddaughter Aaradhya Bachchan. The actor also owns multiple properties in Mumbai, including Janak, which he uses as his office, and the bungalows Prateeksha and Vatsa. He also owns an ancestral home in Allahabad and a villa in Dubai.
On the work front, Big B will be seen in Jhund, which is set for release on March 4, 2022.