Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are getting married soon. The celebrity couple's much-anticipated wedding has been making the headlines for the past few weeks. While they have been pretty tight about their wedding nuptials, new details have emerged every other hour. In that regard, the most recent report claims that Ranbir has chosen a customized wedding band for his future wife as a wedding gift. Not only that, but it also has an 8 connection, which is his lucky number.
Ranbir has arranged for a custom-made wedding band encrusted with eight diamonds. He reportedly had it made by Van Cleef and Arpels, a luxury international brand. According to a close friend of the actor, the actor ordered the custom-made band through a friend and will pick it up from the London store. Furthermore, Ranbir hand-picked the jewels for his future wife Alia.
According to the recent news, today one of the pre-wedding rituals has already begun, and the Kapoor family and both the couple’s close friends have been invited to the Krishna Raj bungalow. Karan Johar, Ayan Mukherji, Pooja Bhatt, Mahesh Bhatt, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Karishma Kapoor, and other Kapoor family members were seen arriving at the Krishna Raj bungalow today!
Ranbir's residence has been styled with beautiful pink flowers. While the pre-wedding festivities such as Mehendi, Sangeet, and the Cocktail party will be held at the Kapoors' ancestral Krishna Raj Bungalow, the wedding will be held at the couple's apartment in Bandra's Vastu building. Furthermore, the couple will host a lavish reception at Mumbai's The Taj Mahal Palace, Colaba.