It’s Alia Bhatt’s birthday today and the actress has treated her fans with the first look as Isha from Brahmastra. Alia shared the video on her Instagram account and wrote, “Happy birthday to me. Can’t think of a better day and a better way for you’ll to meet Isha. Ayan, my wonder boy, I love you. Thank you! #brahmastra”. The actress has turned 29 today and she has been overwhelmed with best wishes from friends, fans, and family on social media. The actress will be seen playing the role of Isha in the movie opposite Ranbir Kapoor 31-sec marking their first collaboration on the big screen.
Alia Bhatt looks bubbly, chirpy, glamorous, fearless, and determined and has certainly left the audience mesmerized with so many different moods in just a 31-sec teaser. Brahmastra director Ayan Mukerji wished the actress with a lovely note, “Happy Birthday, Little One. For all the Joy… the Pride… the Inspiration, and the Magic that you make me feel… Here’s something to celebrate you on your special day. Our Isha - the Shakti of Brahmastra - in the first visuals we are releasing from our movie! Love. Light. Fire. Go! #happybirthdayalia #brahmastra” with the teaser.
The fantasy drama is slated to release on September 9, 2022, along with Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy, and Nagarjuna Akkineni in the lead.