Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are married, and the former has just disclosed new Mehendi pictures from the intimate ceremony, which are full of laughter and fun. Ranbir and Alia appeared to be deeply in love in the photos, and one can feel the passion flowing between them. Ranbir was also seen in one of the photos making Rishi Kapoor a part of the Mehendi ritual by holding his photo in his hand. In another, Ranbir performed alongside Neetu Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor, and Bharat Sahni for Alia. Tenu Leke Main Javanga, according to reports, was the song.
Alia Bhatt captioned the post “The Mehendi was like something out of a dream. It was a day full of love, family, our beautiful best friends, a LOT of French fries, a surprise performance by the ladkewalas, Ayan playing DJ, a BIG surprise organized by Mr. Kapoor (my favorite artist performed my favorite songs), all followed by some happy tears and quiet, blissful moments with the love of my life. There are days… and then there are days like these!"
Anushka Ranjan, Akansha Ranjan, and other maids of honor were seen sitting by Alia's side while Ranbir and his best man squad danced their hearts out in an unexpected performance. Ranbir was seen hugging Alia in more intimate photos.
As soon as Alia posted the pictures, Neetu Kapoor followed suit. Ranbir Kapoor can be seen lifting sister Riddhima Kapoor while dancing with her in her photos. "Mehendi Mast," Neetu wrote. The pictures quickly went viral. Alia was dressed in a hot pink traditional clothing for the Mehendi, while Ranbir was dressed in a similar colored Kurta with Pathani salwar.
On social media, pics from Ranbir and Alia's marriage ceremony have also gone viral. Kareena Kapoor Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Rima Jain, Shaheen Bhatt, Soni Razdan, Ayan Mukerji, and others have been sharing glimpses of the intimate wedding ceremony on social media. In addition, on April 16, Ranbir and Alia will host a reception/get-together for their industry friends.