Alia Bhatt and her boyfriend, Ranbir Kapoor, enjoyed their New Year vacation in Ranthambore National Park. The actress had recently shared some cute photos of herself and Ranbir from the forest. On Tuesday, she shared a time-lapse video of the rising sun from her throwback video gallery.
In the video, the beautiful nature can be seen. We can see a tree in the meadows as the sun is rising in the background over a clear blue sky. The video is a bit shaky, on which Alia wrote "rise and shine with my very shaky time-lapse video" as the caption.
Alia also shared some photos a few days back from her vacation in the forest. In one of the pictures, Ranbir Kapoor can be seen drinking from a silver glass. The couple were covered up in winter clothing in all the pictures.
Alia also shared her cute pictures, captured by boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor, on which Alia wrote, "Casually flaunting my boyfriend’s photography skills" as the caption.
On the work front, Alia Bhatt will next be seen in RRR, Gangubai Kathiawadi, and Brahmastra. In Dharma Productions’ Brahmastra, she shares the screen space with Ranbir Kapoor.
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