Alia Bhatt debuted in Bollywood with the movie Student of the Year (2012) alongside Siddharth Malhotra and Varun Dhawan. From playing a cute little high school girl to playing a mafia queen, the actress has come a long long way. She is now gearing up for the release of her much awaited film Gangubai Kathiawadi. After attending the trailer launch of the film along with co-star Ajay Devgn and director Sanjay Leela Bhansali, the actress took to Instagram to post her heartfelt gratitude towards her fans for showing their love towards the film.
"Chand pe chaar chand laga diya aapke pyaar ne" is what the actress captioned as she uploaded a still from the movie.
Fans started pouring in no time and showered their love on her post. The post also saw one of the first reactions coming from boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor's mother, veteran actress Neetu Kapoor. She has dropped a bunch of fire emojis for Alia.
Alia will play the title role in the film. We must say that Alia looks great in the tough and bold look. Gangubai was forced into prostitution at a young age, and the trailer follows her path. The film then depicts her journey from being the head of a brother to a political figure in her community.
The film also stars Ajay Devgn as mafia don Karim Lala. Vijay Raaz, Jim Sarbh and Seema Pahwa are seen playing critical roles. The film will hit the theatres on February 25, 2022.