Besides her acting career, Alia Bhatt has been hitting the headlines currently for her relationship with the handsome Bollywood actor, Ranbir Kapoor. It was Alia who had confessed her crush on Ranbir, for the first time, on the famous talk show, Koffee With Karan. And the shooting of their film, Brahmastra, had played the role of a Cupid between them, bringing them closer. Since then, the world has fallen in love with the couple's mushy PDAs and cute romantic banter during public appearances.
Recently, in a conversation with Indian Express, Alia spoke about beau Ranbir and said, "There is nothing to hide. There is a time in your life when you feel you shouldn’t speak about it--you’re too protective of it, or you are not sure, or you don’t want to talk about personal things in life. It is not like I am plastering my relationship on every wall in the city or the country, but there’s also nothing to hide. I am not going to lie that I am not in a relationship. In terms of my age also, I have gone past the point where I would hide it."
She added, "Of course, I am in a relationship and I am very happy and deeply in love with Ranbir and I believe in the relationship. At the moment, I am a very ‘dil wale’ person. I am a little bit of a romantic in that sense, ‘Pyaar Kiya Toh Darna Kya’ type. He is somebody I deeply love and look up to and feel very comfortable with. That’s the point of us dating for so many years. I am too comfortable to not talk about it."
In Brahmastra, fans will see Alia and Ranbir onscreen together for the first time. The first part of a proposed fantasy trilogy, directed by Ayan Mukerji, also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy, and Nagarjuna Akkineni. The film is based on Indian mythology and will be released in theatres on September 9th in several languages, including Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam.