On Thursday, Alia and Ranbir tied the knot in Mumbai. Vastu, Ranbir's Pali Hill home was the wedding venue. The wedding was attended by Neetu Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, Soni Razdan, Shaheen Bhatt, Mahesh Bhatt, Pooja Bhatt, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Karan Johar, Navya Naveli Nanda, and Akash Ambani and other close friends and family.
Rahul Bhatt, Alia Bhatt's brother, had stated that the couple's wedding will take place at the Taj Colaba in Mumbai. They did, however, tie the knot at Vastu. Now, the latest speculation is that Alia and Ranbir's wedding reception, which was supposed to take place at Taj Colaba, has been rescheduled. According to reports, the reception venue is now Vastu, not Taj Colaba. The reception is set for April 16.
The couple's family have now chosen to have the celebration at Ranbir and Alia's Vastu apartment in Bandra, after witnessing the media and paparazzi brawl with the guests' cars, according to a source. Because of the Taj Colaba's location and security concerns, the family chose to keep the reception at Vastu. It will be attended by a select number of Bollywood celebrities, and invitations have already been sent out.
At Vastu, just about 100 people have been invited to the wedding reception. Due to security concerns, the venue has been changed and the guest list has been reduced.