Akshay Kumar starrer Bachchhan Paandey is the most awaited film of this year. As the movie is set to hit the silver screens, the makers of the movie unveiled a new poster of the first look of Akshay Kumar from the movie, further announcing the date of the trailer launch. The trailer is scheduled to be out on 18th February, 2022, which coincides with producer Sajid Nadiadwala's birthday.
Sharing the poster on his Instagram, the Khiladi (1992) actor wrote the caption, "This is one character that has more shades than a paint shop! #BachchhanPaandey aapko daraane, hasaane, rulaane sab ke liye ready hai. Please give him all your love Trailer Out on 18th Feb, 2022."
There is no doubt that Akshay Kumar looks badass and terrific on the poster and we can't wait to see what his character has in store for us.
The film also stars Kriti Sanon, Jacqueline Fernandez and Arshad Warsi in crucial roles.
On the work front, Kumar was last seen in Atrangi Re alongside Sara Ali Khan and Dhanush. He recently wrapped up the filming of Ram Setu, where he would be seen alongside Jacqueline Fernandez and Nushrratt Bharuccha. He will also be seen in Chandraprakash Dwivedi's Prithviraj alongside Miss World 2017 Manushi Chillar and Sanjay Dutt. Prithviraj is a period drama based on the life of Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan.